

Commentary on personals ads posted on Craiglist.

Prince Charming sure is in high demand
Prince charming is missing.. – w4m – 24 (Olympia/Tacoma)

Thanks for opening this ad..

I am single 24 female with red red hair and am a single mom to a 2 year old little girl. So you must love kids as my daughter is a huge part of my life. Please have your life some what in order, I am not looking for drama.

It’s funny how young, irresponsible women always want *you* to have your life in order. Now that kids are in the picture it’s time to stop getting plowed by the bad boys from the bar (you know, the guys without a good job who get you pregnant and then bail) and call for Prince Charming to come and save you. Because, she totally deserves it. Every guy who has his shit together is just waiting for a slut with kids to become available so he can save her and pay her bills.

Now that all the other guys are done banging her, you two can settle down and have a nice life where you work and she spends your money. Incidentally, you’ll have to deal with the ex too.

I am working and going to school and currently living with some family to help me out until I finish school. I have a big heart and a lot to offer. If you send a pic then I will send one back in return. I am outgoing, enjoy being on the go, and plenty of other activities. I also enjoy seeing a good movie and enjoy listening music while on the go. I currently live in Olympia but please don’t let that scary you as I works in Tacoma and am willing to meet half way if you are =)

Please don’t reply if your looking for a tiny girl as I am a little over average size and working on it ..

What is “a little over average size”? In CL speak, probably 80 lbs over. Which explains why there is no picture. It’s funny how standard the “Don’t reply if your (sic) looking for a tiny girl/barbie/skinny minny/toothpick” phrase is with fatties. So to sum up, she’s fat, with a kid, and has numerous interests like being on the go, and listening to music while on the go.

Go get her Mr. Charming!

Filed under: CL Women Seeking Men

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